PDF form fill with PDFBox doesn't work

I have a PDF file with some form fields that I need to fill in from Java code. I use PDFBox library for this, and this code:

PDDocument pdfDoc = PDDocument.load("C:\\Users\\igor\\Desktop\\test.pdf"); PDDocumentCatalog docCatalog = pdfDoc.getDocumentCatalog(); PDAcroForm acroForm = docCatalog.getAcroForm(); PDField field = acroForm.getField("applicationPrepaid[0].#pageSet[0].Pagina1[0].txtFirstName[0]"); if (field != null) < field.setValue("Milan"); >else < System.err.println("No field found with name:" + "applicationPrepaid[0].#pageSet[0].Pagina1[0].txtFirstName[0]"); >pdfDoc.save("C:\\Users\\igor\\Desktop\\testout.pdf"); pdfDoc.close(); 

The PDF is not created by me, so I don't know what type of form the file uses (if I understand correctly, there are FDF and XFA forms). Since the PDF is not created by me, I used this tool http://support.persits.com/pdf/demo_formfields.asp to find out the names of the form fields, and it gave me this:


When I use this long field name, I don't get any errors, but the resulting PDF does not contain the value I put in the field. I thought that maybe there was something wrong with the field name, so I used Pdftk tool which gave me just txtFirstName for the field name. But when I use just that, I get the No field found with name: txtFirstName error. Help?